WEOnline2020 Wiki Hackathon


WEOnline2020 is a great opportunity to take the measure about the quantity of knowledge that sleeps in wardrobes within the community and could be shared with other organizations within Wind Empowerment an abroad.

We propose you to gather a team of wind friends around a coffee-wiki on the wiki room of the Wind Empowerment discord to brainstorm about the project. (check the polls below)

A good thing about wikis is their “informal” aspect that makes it easy for anyone to participate. On wikis, it is ok to make mistakes. The community is there to check. So don’t be afraid to participate. The confidence of the community about the content will depend on the quality of the content and its reliability. But better do something and risk to make mistakes than do nothing, right?

Who says that hackathons should be a competition and should award a prize to only one winner ? WE propose a hackathon with collaboration and common knowledge output as a collective prize! Not too bad is it?

How to participate

There will be 3 meetings during the conference in-between week : one monday to brainstomr about the content, one wednesday to talk about the structure and the content and one final to prepare the hackathon output presentation.
You can already start by visiting the wiki and create an account !

To participate just follow the following steps :

  1. Subscribe to the wind empowerment wiki mailing list
  2.  Fill the meetings poll with your most convinient disponibilities
  3. Sign up to wind empowerment’s wiki
  4. Jump in the wiki discord channel
  5. Upload / Write / translate content to collaborate with people from the whole world !
  6. Attend the meetings

That’s it.

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