Customized design of manufacturing tools for locally built turbines

Rad Haghi

Proposal number:07
Revision number:00
Proposal owner:Rad Haghi
Background:Describe the background situation that leads to this project proposal – why should we do this?Hugh Piggott’s open source wind turbine design is known for its suitability of having them manufactured locally in developing countries. The are made from basic wide-spread available materials and tools and are relatively easy to make.
These turbines can open doors in two ways for people in developing countries: on one side, it shapes employment opportunities to low-educated people and at the other side it can address the electricity access issue in rural windy places.
The challenge here is to try and reach out to getting the lowest educated of a region involved without sacrificing on the quality of the produced wind turbine. Special Customized Production Tools can offer a solution to this challenge. An example could for instance be a wedge that makes the reading of an angle or distance unnecessary.
Objective:Design special tools that:
– Can enable to have lower educated people involved in making and installing Hugh Piggott wind turbines.
– Enhance the consistency of quality of each produced wind turbine.
– ..
Description deliverable: Describe the product outcome of the project – what will be delivered, and in which format?A document with design of special tools reported that fullfill the objective as described above.
Approach: Described the methodology to be used in the project – how are we going to achieve our targets?– Analysis: get aquanted with the works of wind turbine and its critical and non critical design aspects (FMEA, etc..) and identify and converge to selected set of problems to focus on and find solution for.
– Workshop: Get aquanted with conventional method of manufacturing the wind turbine.
– Idea generation:
– Concepts:
– Test concepts:
– Detail best concepts:
– Make and test best concepts:
– Lessons learned and revise concepts:
Estimated capacity & competences needed:– Master thesis Industrial engineering 6 months TU Delft and abroad
– Local facilitator(s) abroad
– Weekly supervisor from Indusrty: Specialist from small windturbine from economical and technical point of view
– Weekly supervisor from University: Specialist in project setup and Business model point of view
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